
Fantastic WYSIWYG editor on jQuery

Create word-processed text on the web using a reliable, fast and unbelievably beautiful editor. http://redactorjs.com/

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Fantastic WYSIWYG editor on jQuery

Create word-processed text on the web using a reliable, fast and unbelievably beautiful editor. http://redactorjs.com/

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Как гибко сверстать текст на подложке?

Источник: http://artgorbunov.ru/bb/soviet/20120621/ Самый компактный способ: <style> p.ap-example { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; line-height: 24px; }   .bg-1 { color: #fff; background: #8e43ff; padding: 1px 0; outline: #8e43ff solid 7px; } .bg-1 span { position: relative; } </style>   <p

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Как гибко сверстать текст на подложке?

Источник: http://artgorbunov.ru/bb/soviet/20120621/ Самый компактный способ: <style> p.ap-example { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; line-height: 24px; }   .bg-1 { color: #fff; background: #8e43ff; padding: 1px 0; outline: #8e43ff solid 7px; } .bg-1 span { position: relative; } </style>   <p

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Simple yet amazing CSS3 border transition effects

http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/simple-yet-amazing-css3-border-transition-effects Some crazy effects with Border Transitions. Originally made by ksk1015. Pretty basic CSS3 code, but amazing output.

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Simple yet amazing CSS3 border transition effects

http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/simple-yet-amazing-css3-border-transition-effects Some crazy effects with Border Transitions. Originally made by ksk1015. Pretty basic CSS3 code, but amazing output.

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Magnifying glass for image zoom using Jquery and CSS3

http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/magnifying-glass-for-images-using-jquery-and-css3 Learn to make a realistic magnifying glass using Jquery and CSS3. Hover above the image to see the action. The code uses CSS3 box-shadow and border-radius properties to create the magnifying glass. Jquery is used to position it at

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Magnifying glass for image zoom using Jquery and CSS3

http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/magnifying-glass-for-images-using-jquery-and-css3 Learn to make a realistic magnifying glass using Jquery and CSS3. Hover above the image to see the action. The code uses CSS3 box-shadow and border-radius properties to create the magnifying glass. Jquery is used to position it at

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Brushed Metal style button in CSS3

The texture is done by using 3 repeating-gradients with different length.

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Brushed Metal style button in CSS3

The texture is done by using 3 repeating-gradients with different length.

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Pinch / Zoom
Pull up/down to refresh
Improved speed and momentum
Snap to element
Customizable scrollbars

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Pinch / Zoom
Pull up/down to refresh
Improved speed and momentum
Snap to element
Customizable scrollbars

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animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness. http://daneden.me/animate/

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animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness. http://daneden.me/animate/

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Powerful New CSS- and JavaScript Techniques

With CSS3, some of the older techniques now have become obsolete, others have established themselves as standards, and many techniques are still in the “crazy experimentation” stage.

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Powerful New CSS- and JavaScript Techniques

With CSS3, some of the older techniques now have become obsolete, others have established themselves as standards, and many techniques are still in the “crazy experimentation” stage.

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Joyride Create jQuery Feature Tours in a Breeze

Joyride is extremely flexible and lets you take control of how people interact with your tour…

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Joyride Create jQuery Feature Tours in a Breeze

Joyride is extremely flexible and lets you take control of how people interact with your tour…

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